Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009


The Social Stigma of Marijuana


My father made me memorize Rick James' "Mary Jane" by the time I was five years old. 10 years later, I found out the true theme of the song. So imagine how I reacted when I put two and two together. Marijuana has been a devious yet honest friend to many of my family members for some time. It's crazy how alcohol is so sociably accepted-with the exception of prohibition-but as soon as someone mentions that they smoke pot around the wrong people, it's automatically assumed that they are non-goal oriented, lazy sack of horse poo who posts up in the house and smokes pot all day.

Majority of my sociology college career, I have learned about how drug addicts and weed smokers are categorized, consistently classified in different sections of "how they are addicted." Well, I have taken it upon myself to classify non-drug users into four different categories and there connotations of marijuana use.

DISCLAIMER: I am not hating on any person who I feel is in one of these categories, just my observation.

1.Harvey Dents (2-facers)

Want to engage in smoking reefer but can't because of worrying about what other people would think about them. On occasion, you can spot this person maybe hitting the blunt once or twice in their life times and loving it when they are around 'the right crowd'...just a fun experience. But are the first ones to agree with those who knock smoking because 'everyone else thinks its bad and messes up lives.'

The Self-loather

I know every weed smoker has encountered that person who still comes around when you smoke, but has to bring up how uncool they think marijuana is. "It's not lady like," or "I don't see what the big deal is." The funny thing about this person, is that nine times out 10, they tried it at least once in there life. AND Nine times out of 10, they had a bad experience. (i.e. felt funny, embarrassed themselves, some bad trip) Well, this person tends to have a selfish point of view, since they can't fit in with the 'click,' don't understand what's so funny, technical marijuana terms (i.e. bong, match, quarter, whatever), they feel left out, and want to belong, but do not want to let the pride get in the way of 'experimenting.'

3. Career-Stringers

These guys I somewhat admire, and what I am, myself- because it's not like they deviously downplay marijuana smokers, it's just because they can't because of either random drug testing at there jobs or some type of barrier that keeps them from smoking in order to uphold a positive image for the sake of there families (i.e. a mother or a father who have smoked before, but quit after either graduating college and getting a career that drug test or have young children in the home).

4. Anslinger Leechers

Harry J. Anslinger was appointed as the first Commissioner of the Treasury Department's Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930. He was basically known for his outlandish public portrayals of how "killer" marijuana can be. He would put out 'drug scares,' terrifying mothers and fathers in communities about how marijuana can completely transfrom sons and daughters to killers, sex-crazed animals, lazy bums who will amount to nothing.

I call them leeches because they have been sucking on Anslinger's scares for almost seventy years. America still has people, any age, who feel that marijuana is the root of all evil. They have never smoked before, even associated with someone who feels that smoking is okay. These guys are funny :)

In conclusion, I don't consider myself a pot head or a non-smoker advocate. I have battled for a really long time, caring about what others thought about me, what God thinks about me more than anyone, and of course, what I think about me. Although I do not engage in the rebellious illegal act, I don't see anything wrong with smoking weed, but let it just be a small part of your life, not your life. Goals are number one before anything, even reefer, and I refuse to let Mary Jane ruin my life.
-ALSO, being safe when smoking marijuana is a new cool thing, now a days. You don't hear the government complaining about weed in Amsterdam because they don't smoke Phillies, Grape Cigars, Cigarellos, etc. Those things are BAD FOR THE BODY. Over seas, they use bowls, bongs, vaporizers.........anything that filters out the bad stuff, I'm FOR IT!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The chapter I just ended in my life...

I'm so UPTOWN, and muthafucka if you ain't, don't go uptown, yeahhhh!!
Lol, "Uptown" by Drake is probably my song for 2009, hands down. Just thinking about all of those who think I can't make it big, i just think to myself "Ya know what, it's okay. It's okay. Once I hit it big, then you can run and tell ya friends that IM ON!" Lol, I'm lightweight going through it over here because I am thinking about the chapter that I just closed in my life....reflecting while listening to So Far Gone.

I can't help but sit here and anticipate tomorrow, wondering if I am still going to be the same, goal-oriented chick that dreams of working in the industry. How do you begin a life like that? I don't have any connections...don't know anyone famous AND not to mention my resume' is IIGHT, but nothing extraordinary?? I wish that I wasn't so damn pessimistic, that I could just point at my goal, and reach for it.

I can honestly say that the good Lord blessed me with a wonderful life so far. Great parents, a great education, an amazing boyfriend and opportunities ahead of me that any girl would appreciate. But I don't want the average run-of-the-mill life. I'm searching for a career where I can wake up everyday and say to myself..."damn, this is IT!"

I am a free-spirited person, who dreams a whole lot. But how do I turn those dreams into reality? I am a writer. I am a creative writer and I am good at it. I can paint pictures with my words, and I just want to be able to use what I have. Since I was 16, I have always wanted to be a producer. Throughout college, I wanted to be a news producer, and I was blessed to able to produce news for two years. NOW, I want to do what I want to do....produce television shows, a movie, a music video....i want to produce something that the world is going to see and be impacted by.


...I don't know what I want to create yet.

So where do I get my motivation from? Online. Television. All I do is Google producers, directors, publicists, marketing agencies, anything media related, those who influence me and send them emails asking for advice....but I never get a respond. It's okay, because I heard once that life is all about rejections, and once I do get that phone call or email back, it will be appreciated sooo much more because someone actually gave me the chance.

I am afraid. Afraid that I will be a local nothing. I will continue to be the girl who feels like she is nothing, unless she does something truly inspirational. I want to be big. Not :famous: big, but...for people to notice me, and be like "oh, thats Krista Hayes...she works for E! as an Executive Producer...she pitched the new show -witty name of show here- that assist young girls around the country to be behind the scenes of creating an amazing televison show and potential directors and etc. " Get it???

I dream of the day where I can come into my studio loft apartment in downtown SOMEWHERE, lets just say Miami because I am dreaming right now, and invite my girls over and we can chill out for the night and just call up some VIP tickets to get in the club with superstars, models, actors, actresses, and just live the young as fast paced life. But not as a groupie, not as someones arm candy, not someones "scrimpin" (thats kentucky slang for 'fuck buddy), but as successful Black women.


This is where I am in my life right now.


Lust for Life/Houstatlantavegas Video Creation

Drake - Lust For Life x HoustonAtlantaVegas [mash-up video] from 5846 Productions on Vimeo.

Lust for Life by Drake has always been one of my favorite, it touches so many basis and changes in my life and where I want to be. This video is amazing...the fashion, the angles, the color, the theme of the song tied in with the video. I love the digital images as well, so much more advanced than typical American tweeking and zeeking. Take a glance...